This article shows how teachers can collaborate via Chronicle Cloud's QR code functionality, where Teacher A and Teacher B are able to view/edit a common student's data.
- Tap on the Menu icon at the top left of Chronicle Cloud's Home screen (on Teacher B's device, the teacher desiring to add/receive the common student).
- Tap ''Scan QR Code'' to scan the QR code of the student to be shared (Teacher A - the teacher sharing the common student - will find this QR code by tapping the student from their Home screen)
- Tap Yes when the Student Sharing popup appears. Voila! You and your colleague are now collaborators!
- Sharing a student with another teacher via Chronicle Cloud's QR functionality always grants View & Edit permission (as opposed to just View).
- Teachers are only able to share students with other teachers (having a Chronicle Cloud account). This adds an additional layer of security.
- Always handle student data with care. Be responsible with what you're sharing and who you're sharing it with!
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